Free shipping and Free fitting.

Care and Resources

Annual Visits

Is it time for an Ostomy Annual Check UP?

The ostomy should not hold you back. You should be able to work, play, travel, swim, be active, be intimate and live life with an ostomy.

How do you know if your system is working well for you?

The wear time of your pouching system should be predictable with no Leaks in between changes. There should be no odor except when emptying.The skin around your stoma should be clear, comfortable and healthy.

Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy & Continence

A Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy & continence (NSWOC) or, in the US, Wound Ostomy Continence (WOC) nurse is a registered nurse with specialized training, this specialized Training focuses on the care of people with wound. Issues with continence, and people who have had ostomy surgery.

Initially, Intrastromal Therapists were people who had had ostomy surgery themselves. Eventually it become nursing specialty.  NSWOC or WOC nurses have a bachelor’s degree in Nursing, work experience, and successful completion of the NSWIC/WIC/ET training course.

Until recently, the term Intrastromal Therapy was used in Canada (and is still used in many other countries). On May 4, 2018 the Canadian Association for Intrastromal Therapy (CAET) officially changed the name of the organization and the nurses it represents. Now, the nurses provided care to people with wounds, ostomies and continence issuers are called Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy & Continence (NSWOC). The CAET is now known as Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy & Continence Canada (NSEOCC).

In Canada, the NSWOC course is offered through the Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy & Continence Canada, the professional body of Canadian Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy & continence. In the US several schools offer the course. American WOC nurses have the Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society as their professional body.

Hernia Information

What is a Parastomal Hernia

A parastomal hernia is when bowel (usually small intestine) comes through the muscle that make the abdominal wall. A peristomal hernia looks like a bulge under or around a stoma.   

The chance of developing a peristomal hernia is highest in the first-year surgery, however it can happen at any time. Many individuals have reported the sudden onset of bulge after a sneezer or similar one-time event.

 Unfortunately, once a peristomal hernia is present, it will often enlarge over time.

Our ostomy nurse can train you with the basic exercise to lower the risk by making the abdominal muscle stronger. Using a hernia belt also helps.

Ostomy Wound Care

Anybody with Ostomy may experience discomfort such as wound….etc. Our nursing ream and experienced staff are here to help. 

Pharmacare & Other Benefits

Government coverage programs

Below are listings of possible coverage for your ostomy supplies. It can be confusing to figure out the system. We are all here to help.

We can bill directly to BC Pharmacare, DVA, WorkSafe BC and ICBC, and the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)

Fair Pharmacare

Supplies covered by BC Pharmacare

Fair Pharmacare deductibles

Extended health programs

Extended health plans are programs usually offered through work or your employer. Some examples are Blue Cross, Sunlife, Manulife, Green Shield, RCMP. When you purchase ostomy supplies, your official receipt shows how much the BC Fair Pharmacare program has paid. We can submit your receipts to your extended health plan on your behalf.

Reason to have a Check Up

What to expect after ostomy surgery?

Your stoma becomes smaller and less swollen, the swelling in your abdomen goes down, and you are more active. The pouching system you had in the hospital may have worked when you wre resting lots and not moving around very much. Now that you are home, the hospital pouching system may not be working for you anymore. There are many different manufacturers of ostomy pouching systems. Contact and visit our Nurse/Team to see what fits you best.

Change in Weight

Gaining or losing weight cause the contours of your abdomen to change, which can change the way your pouching system fits. You may need a new size, or a whole new system.

Peristomal hernia

A Peristomal hernia might develop in %50 of ostomy patients. We help you to avoid and control the hernia by right exercises, belts and different pouching system.

Ostomy Brands

Ostomy manufactures bring out new products designed to make ostomy care easier and simpler. We have access to all free sample to See if any of the new products would improve your pouching system.

Supplies & Orders

There are currently no issues with ostomy supply availability. When ordering supplies, remember that pharmacare only allows us to dispense a 3-month supply at a time. If your order exceeds your average usage, pharmacare will not cover the order. This is the standard pharmacare policy, and we appreciate your understanding.

We are taking orders by phone, fax and email, or through our website order form.

Phone our office:          604-941-5433

Fax:                              604-941-2383

Cell:                              604-992-4590



Pick – ups and Deliveries

Package delivery 

We will ship your supplies free of charge In Nation wide

To ensure you have the supplies you need, please do the following.

Expect that there may be some delays in getting your supplies.

Order when you have a minimum of 2 weeks of product left.

Order 3 months’ supply whenever possible.

Pick up Orders

If you decide to come in to clinic to pick up, we ask that you call ahead so we can have your order ready for you when you arrive.