Free shipping and Free fitting.

Our Services

Your Ostomy Care Experts

Old people riding bikes

Our team Specialized in Wound, Ostomy & Continence (NSEOC) has been helping patients for years with the transitions form hospital to home living a normal, healthy life with an ostomy.

Our nurses are registered nurses with specialized education to help patients with ostomies, continence issues and wound.

Our team is working in ways designed to help minimize the risk to our patients, their families and the community, as well as our staff.

LifeCare Medical carries a full line of ostomy supplies from all the major brands such as Hollister and Coloplast! The best part? We offer delivery of supplies across the Lower Mainland BC.

We Have Complimentary Ostomy (NSWOC) Nurse Services

Nurse smiling

Not only do we carry a full line of ostomy supplies, but we offer complimentary ostomy nurse services! Our experienced Ostomy Nurse (ET) is available for consultations in person, by phone or Skype.

Custom Cutting

Old couple jumping on a bed

We can meet with you, your family members and support persons to explain the surgery, show you different pouching systems, answer any of your questions and ease your concerns. We are part of your health care team. We work with your hospital NSWOC to ensure that a stoma site is marked. This means an NSWOC examines your abdomen, discusses other factors with you, and selects and marks the best spot for the surgeon to place the stoma.

There are many things to learn after having ostomy surgery. We can help you step by step to continue a normal life with ostomy. Choosing the supplies which fits you the best.

We offer custom cutting for people with issues with dexterity or visual acuity (hand movements or sight). The NSWOC will make a pattern for you and it will be kept on file.

Transition Home After Your Surgery

Old couple in nature

Our nurse and our team at Lifecare Ostomy are clinical specialists who can help before and After your surgery. When time is for you to go home we will work closely as a  team of your doctors, ostomy nurses, Community Nurses for monitoring your pain, nutrition and the healthiness of your stoma.

Fees & billing


Nursing Care

Ostomy products

We are able to bill directly to Pharmacare, DVA, NIHB, ICBC and workSafe BC.

For Extended Health Care Plans: please submit your pharmacare receipts with your claim forms to your plan.

We have the knowledge and experience to help you navigate the pharmacare system or your other plans. Please let us know if we can assist you.

Visit the Ostomy products section of our site for more product information. Or our ordering supplies page if you are ready to order.

Coast-Saving Strategies

We want you to have good wear time. An Enterostomal Therapy nurse can review your pouching system and application techniques to make sure you are getting reliable wear time. The Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy, continence Canada (NSWOCC) can support and help you.


There are several ways to access our Specialized in Wound, Ostomy & Continence (NSWOC):

  1. Personal consults in our private exam room (by appointment)
  2. Telephone and virtual contacts
  3. Email via our secure email system
  4. Home visits for the individuals who can not come to our clinic.

Request an appointment

Phone our office:          604-941-5433

Fax:                                604-941-2383

Cell:                                604-992-4590
